Value added
American Customs Agent
Customs Business Transaction
American Customs Brokers handle a wide range of transactions with the American Customs, including the admissibility of goods, tariff classification, calculation and payment of taxes as well as other charges, as well as the preparation and submission of documents to the customs.
Document Safeguarding:
It is vital that American Customs Brokers maintain records of all transactions for a minimum of 5 years, so we systematically and accessibly safeguard, whether in paper or through other authorized methods, the records corresponding to each of their operations.
Responsible Supervision:
American Customs Brokers must exercise an appropriate degree of supervision and control over their employees to ensure the quality of service. This includes frequent visits to offices, adequate training, acceptable rejection levels, and access to relevant regulations.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Licensed Customs Broker:
We act as allies of the U.S. Customs, ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitating foreign trade.
Our responsibilities include the proper declaration of goods, verifying compliance with regulations from various government agencies such as FDA, USDA, among others.
Alow global
International Logistics Company.
Freight Costs (National and International freight).
Special projects
Experience in all types of projects involving International Commerce
- ATA Carnets
- Railroad and Air shipments
- Dispatch and handling of complete production lines
- Handling IMMEX shipments
- HAZMAT shipments
- Handling of regulated or perishable shipments through business partners or directly such as
- Coffee imports/exports, tequila/mezcal, frozen foods, In Bond shipments, etc.
- Coordination with OGA (Other Government Agencies) such as SAGARPA, SEDENA, PROFEPA, etc